Saturday, July 13, 2024

AWTF24 contest

AtCoder World Tour Finals 2024 took place today (problems, results, top 5 on the left, broadcast recordinganalysis). This was my first 5-hour commentating experience, and I enjoyed it a lot! How did it look from your side? Please share your improvement suggestions, just for the remote chance that I do not qualify again :)

This time the contestants had an opportunity to share their thoughts on stream (similar to the "confession booth" concept from some chess tournaments recently), and while not everybody used it, it was great fun and great insight to listen to those who did (for example; did somebody maybe gather all timestamps?). I hope this practice gets expanded and improved at future contests!

ecnerwala also tried to share his thoughts before the contest even started, but unfortunately the stream had not started as well at that point and therefore his words were not recorded. Nevertheless, maybe this helped him get into the right mood and solve problem E quickly, which was key to his win. Congratulations to him and to zhoukangyang and ksun48 who also won prizes!

Thanks for reading, and check back tomorrow for this week's summary.

1 comment:

  1. Привет!

    спасибо вам и maroonrk я увидел ваш огромный вклад, минусов нет, можете ли вы сделать блог про то что было необычного на контесте
