There's roughly 10 minutes left before the start of NEERC 2013, one of the strongest ACM ICPC regional contests. The live standings will be at
http://neerc.ifmo.ru/information/standings.html, a much more magical experimental scoreboard at
http://ctddev.ifmo.ru/, problems at
http://neerc.ifmo.ru/information/problems.pdf, live text commentary in Russian by tourist and niyaznigmatul at
http://neercnews.blogspot.ru/2013/12/neerc-2013.html, Twitter comments at
https://twitter.com/NEERCNews and more generally at
https://twitter.com/search?q=%23NEERC&src=hash&f=realtime. Some more preview links:
I've test-solved the contest several days ago, and it has awesome problems of different types, so hopefully each team will find something it likes and we'll see a fierce competition. Good luck to all contestants!
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