Sunday, March 2, 2025

EUC 2025

Once again the ICPC Quest brings this blog out of hibernation :) So, as the quest requires, greetings from Porto where the 2025 ICPC European Championship (EUC) takes place this Sunday!

The EUC is a new contest that was launched last year, so this is the second edition. It brings together the top teams from 4 European regionals, providing them both an additional qualification path to the ICPC World Finals (detailed rules), and a significant onsite competition of its own, giving many teams who will not make it to the World Finals an opportunity to meet other students and enjoy the atmosphere of a big international competition, while keeping the travel costs in check. I am very happy to support this competition by volunteering as a judge for the second time!

We are also running a mirror contest on Codeforces, so come try it in a few hours! I think the problems are quite nice.